Trusted setup
MACI currently uses Groth16 zk-SNARKs written in circom
. Teams who wish to
build on MACI may choose to perform a multi-party trusted setup. This allows
observers to have a higher degree of confidence that the coordinator cannot
generate fake proofs. Some teams, however, may forgo the trusted setup.
There are two possible reasons for doing so: if a team does not intend to manage a large amount of value, and if their users accept that the risk of coordinator misbehaviour is insufficient to justify doing the work of a trusted setup. After all, MACI's security model presumes a trusted coordinator.
The PSE team is making available a trusted set of zKeys for MACI's circuits, which are available and accessible on p0tion's website. For more info on trusted setup ceremonies please refer to p0tion's docs.
Maci v3.0 Trusted Setup Ceremony
Maci v3.0 Trusted Setup Ceremony has not started yet. Thus for production use cases, please use MACI v2.0.
Maci v2.0 Trusted Setup Ceremony (most recent)
Maci v2.0 Trusted Setup Ceremony is now completed and the circuits can be used in production.
For this release, we plan to run two ceremonies, one with smaller size circuits (more accessible to contributors) due to smaller batch sizes for proving on chain, and one with larger circuits and large batch sizes for proving. Smaller size artifacts can be used for smaller rounds or for operators that want to run everything on a local computer vs using a beefy server. On the other hand, we plan to use the artifacts with larger batch sizes for large rounds and solely on a server.
Small Batch Size Ceremony
To download the artifacts, please run the following command from within MACI monorepo's root directory:
pnpm download-zkeys:ceremony
Here are the maximum values supported by these artifacts:
- users:
- votes:
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
- users (ballots):
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
Large Batch Size Ceremony
Please note that this ceremony has not started yet. We will inform when it will start and when the artifacts are available for use.
Here are the maximum values supported by these artifacts:
- users:
- votes:
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
- users (ballots):
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
Maci v1.2 Trusted Setup Ceremony
Please be advised that you will not be able to use these artifacts with MACI v2.
MACI v1.2 artifacts are stored on Amazon S3. Please either download directly, or checkout any of the maci v1.2 tags to access the artifacts using the following commands:
git checkout v1.2.5
Here are the maximum values supported by these artifacts:
- users:
- votes:
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
- users (ballots):
- batch size for proving:
- vote options:
For your convenience, here is a list of the artifacts that can be used in production:
Artifact | Description | Parameters | Link |
processMessages zKey | The production-ready zKey for the processMessages circuit. | 6-9-2-3 | processMessages_6-9-2-3_final.zkey |
processMessagesNonQv zKey | The production-ready zKey for the processMessagesNonQv circuit. | 6-9-2-3 | processMessagesNonQv_6-9-2-3_final.zkey |
tallyVotes zKey | The production-ready zKey for the tallyVotes circuit. | 6-2-3 | tallyVotes_6-2-3_final.zkey |
tallyVotesNonQv zKey | The production-ready zKey for the tallyVotesNonQv circuit. | 6-2-3 | tallyVotesNonQv_6-2-3_final.zkey |
processMessages r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-9-2-3 | MACI-ProcessMessages_6-9-2-3.r1cs |
processMessagesNonQv r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-9-2-3 | MACI-ProcessMessagesNonQv_6-9-2-3.r1cs |
tallyVotes r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3.r1cs |
tallyVotesNonQv r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-2-3 | tallyvotesnonqv_6-2-3.r1cs |
processMessages wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-9-2-3 | MACI-ProcessMessages_6-9-2-3.wasm |
processMessagesNonQv wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-9-2-3 | MACI-ProcessMessagesNonQv_6-9-2-3.wasm |
tallyVotes wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3.wasm |
tallyVotesNonQv wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotesnonqv_6-2-3.wasm |
processMessages vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the processMessages circuit's proofs | 6-9-2-3 | maci-processmessages_6-9-2-3_vkey.json |
processMessagesNonQv vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the processMessagesNonQv circuit's proofs | 6-9-2-3 | maci-processmessagesnonqv_6-9-2-3_vkey.json |
tallyVotes vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the tallyVotes circuit's proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3_vkey.json |
tallyVotesNonQv vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the tallyVotesNonQv circuit's proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotesnonqv_6-2-3_vkey.json |
processMessages Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the processMessages circuit proofs on-chain | 6-9-2-3 | maci-processmessages_6-9-2-3_verifier.sol |
processMessagesNonQv Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the processMessagesNonQv circuit proofs on-chain | 6-9-2-3 | maci-processmessagesnonqv_6-9-2-3_verifier.sol |
tallyVotes Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the tallyVotes circuit proofs on-chain | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3_verifier.sol |
tallyVotesNonQv Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the tallyVotesNonQv circuit proofs on-chain | 6-2-3 | tallyvotesnonqv_6-2-3_verifier.sol |
Maci v1.1 Trusted Setup Ceremony
Here are the maximum values supported by these artifacts:
- users:
- votes:
- messages per batch:
- vote options:
- users (ballots):
- batch size:
- vote options:
For your convenience, here is a list of the artifacts that can be used in production:
Artifact | Description | Parameters | Link |
processMessages zKey | The production-ready zKey for the processMessages circuit. | 6-8-2-3 | processmessages_6-8-2-3_final.zkey |
tallyVotes zKey | The production-ready zKey for the tallyVotes circuit. | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3_final.zkey |
processMessages r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-8-2-3 | processmessages_6-8-2-3.r1cs |
tallyVotes r1cs | The Rank-1 Constraint System file that was used to generate the zKey | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3.r1cs |
processMessage wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-8-2-3 | processmessages_6-8-2-3.wasm |
tallyVotes wasm | The WASM file that can be used to generate proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3.wasm |
processMessages vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the processMessages circuit's proofs | 6-8-2-3 | processmessages_6-8-2-3_vkey.json |
tallyVotes vKey | The verification key that can be used to verify the tallyVotes circuit's proofs | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3_vkey.json |
processMessages Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the processMessages circuit proofs on-chain | 6-8-2-3 | processmessages_6-8-2-3_verifier.sol |
tallyVotes Solidity verifier | The Solidity smart contract which can be used to verify the tallyVotes circuit proofs on-chain | 6-2-3 | tallyvotes_6-2-3_verifier.sol |