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Version: v2.x

Minimal Anti Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) v2.2.0 / genProcessVkSig

Function: genProcessVkSig()

genProcessVkSig(stateTreeDepth, messageTreeDepth, voteOptionTreeDepth, batchSize): bigint

This function generates the signature of a ProcessMessage Verifying Key(VK). This can be used to check if a ProcessMessages' circuit VK is registered in a smart contract that holds several VKs.


stateTreeDepth: number

The depth of the state tree.

messageTreeDepth: number

The depth of the message tree.

voteOptionTreeDepth: number

The depth of the vote option tree.

batchSize: number

The size of the batch.



Returns a signature for querying if a verifying key with the given parameters is already registered in the contract.

Defined in
